Thursday, April 27, 2017

Finally a Blazer!!

High school is scary when you haven't thought about it. But I've been thinking about it since third grade, I've planned my future and I am determine to follow through with it. I graduate 8th grade in just a couple months and then I'm heading off to Trinity. I am leaving everything I have ever known and moving forward. I'm going in blind. I am going to be vulnerable, but would it be so bad? Isn't it good to start off new?
 When you first start high school, your parents tell you to just be yourself. But what if yourself isn't good enough? I enter high school with this thought in my head. I don't fully know if I believe it, but I consider it. Sure, I have all IB classes (AP), except for math because its not really my strong subject...yikes. And sometimes I'm outgoing and antisocial because I get nervous. I think way to into some things, but only because I'm mortified. Embarrassed that maybe I won't be ready for high school. But I'm going to push the negativity to the back of my mind.  
 I have come to the conclusion that no one is ever really ready to start high school no matter how much you have planned it all out. There are going to be obstacles that are going to make you second guess or hide in the shadows. I dont want to hide. I am going to be who I am and if that's not good enough, then too bad. I am entering a new world but only I can determine what I do with it. 


  1. Wow I haven't thought out hs as much as you have. I'm in the highest classes too and I'm really scared and don't think I'll be able to make it. I wihs the best to both of us in hs.

    1. I know I'm scared too, but I'm just gonna go with the flow and try to at least somewhat think positive. I wish the best for both of us too.
