Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Year...New Me

2016 is almost over, just one more month! It's time for a new year and a new me. Everyone makes new year resolutions that they want to accomplish during the new year, but they never act on them. Most new year resolutions are materialistic, they never have a true meaning within them (they don't have a purpose). Let's change these resolutions into intentions; things that we "intend" to do in our new year. 
 I have many intentions for the new year, so many that I can't even count. 2017 is just around the corner and I want to make it something more than just another year. I intend to be a more positive person and try to do more good than bad. I intend to spend more time with my family that I don't really see and try to create a bond with them (even though sometimes they bother me). I don't intend to do anything big or drastic, but I want to at least do little things that will let me have a fresh start. See the world in a new light. 2017, I want to be a better writer and dance till my feet hurt. 
 An intention is something that you "intend" to do. It's best to make it count. It's time to show people the new you, but also don't change because someone tells you to. This new year, it's going to be a new me and I have gathered some confidence. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas - The time of giving

Christmas is a time of celebrating with your family and friends. But is Christmas really only about that, I mean most people think it's about the gifts. On Christmas people get all worked up on what to get you and how much money you have to spend, but sometimes the best gifts are the ones that don't cost a single penny. Sometimes you don't have to worry about the expenses and whether or not you even get a gift. Your family is the most precious gift of all.

The gift that I have received, which I love the most is the gift that I received from my grandma. It was a    Necklace that use to be hers. I would say it is my favorite gift that I ever received because it is special. It didn't cost money to give and it was from someone who I look up to and care for. I can't imagine a world without my grandma there, always supporting me.

Many gifts that are special are the ones that come from the heart. They're the ones with a meaning behind it. "A gift with no meaning is a gift that's not worth giving," that's what my grandma says when it's almost Christmas. I like to believe that is true. That's why I chose that gift as the best that I have ever received.