Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don't be a Pawn

A friend told me that I shouldn't depend on people because we were not born with another person attached to us. I believe in what she says because it speaks the truth. Everyone nowadays does not really have a mind of their own. We follow what the majority of the crowd does and never break away as a leader. They use the term bandwagon. Where did that term start from? I don't know. We never question and we never second think. But thinking is key. If we don't think then we might just make a decision that can affect everything. We can become a pawn to a bigger problem; fuel the fire. 
 There is a constant message that our parents try to teach us as we grow older, the message is to be yourself. But I think what they don't understand is how things have changed since they were our age. In the average middle school life, we are more vulnerable than we usually would be. And Ithink the best thing we could do is use our words to express the ideas/thoughts that exist in our mind. Change the way of the world starting with ourselves. 

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