There are a million famous people in the world, but there is only one that I would want to spend the day with and that is IAN SOMERHALDER!! I don't even know what we would do first if I got to spend the day with him. Wait! I should problem explain where he is from. Ian Somerhalder is an actor, he was on "Lost" and best known for his part as Damon Salvatore on "The Vampire Diaries." He's my favorite.
To begin my day with Ian, I would first want to go to the set of The Vampire Diaries and maybe see where they film all the scenes. After we are finished at the set, Ian and I would go for a nice meal and by "nice meal," I mean a cheeseburger and some cheese fries. We will not be eating just any cheese fries, but some cheese fries at Bonnie's, which is really good. I think the rest of the day where we weren't on the set of TVD and eating that we would just hang out, watching tv or get some advice about how to act when playing a part.
He is a really humble person and it would be amazing to even be in the same room as him for just one second. I would pray and pray to spend a day with him.
This piece of propaganda is being used to make Jewish people seem like snakes or serpents. A person who is a "snake" it's seen as someone who lies and does bad things, which is what the Nazis were trying to make anyone of different color seem like (mainly Jews). They're intention was to brainwash kids into thinking that they were "great people" who were only trying to protect them from others, but were actually committing horrible crimes.
There are various ways to alter a persons persepective. For example, propaganda is used to alter someone's perspective. They use posters that show that something is good or bad in order to convince their intended audience. Most of the time it is very effective because it makes them think more about the subject and change their point of view of it. During the holocaust, the Nazis made posters and took pictures to show them committing crimes but puts a positive quote or explanation underneath to make it seem like they were doing good.
In my personal opinion, I believe that if you strongly believe in something then nothing can change your mind about it, but then I am making an overgeneralization. I think everyone deserves to be treated equally and the holocaust proves how much evil one group of people can cause to others. Many people believe that others have to live up to their standards, but you don't. You are able to be your own person and shouldn't be killed because of it.
Happiness is different for everyone. Some people believe true happiness comes from materialistic things, while others believe it comes from the small things. 15 things that brings happiness are...
1. When you're favorite songs comes on the radio and you sing as if you were on xFactor
2. Having quiet family dinners every Sunday
3. Getting cozy with your dog while watching your favorite Netflix show on the couch
4. Sleepovers at the most random times with your cousin who is too crazy
5. Being in your teens but still act like a 5 year old
6. Going to go see Disney on Ice no matter what
7. Those tough times in your family that only brings you more together
8. Someone who makes you laugh and smile at the smallest things
9. Letters every year for your birthday to remind you just how much you are loved
10. Reading books that seem almost too cliché for enjoyment but you still read them
11. Dancing until you can no longer dance and are falling to sleep
12. No school
13. Bonding time with your grandma
14. Eating my mom's homemade lasagna
15. Coloring

Nick uses self respect, confidence, and kindness in the motivational video. He uses self respect because he does get people sometimes who will look at him funny, but he does not respond in a negative way that could cause a problem. Through this, he is confident with who he is and what he does. Nick supports and speaks out about what makes him vulnerable to others. He is disabled but he still spreads kindness through every way possible.
We are all alike in some way and we persevere through many things. I persevered when my cousin passed away and Nick persevered through his disability. We both had the power to just give up on life in general, but we decided not to. There is more to live for then what we don't have. If we don't have legs, we use a wheelchair and if we don't have money to go to school, then we learn at home. In life, you have to work through what is hard and show that we can do anything because we CAN do anything.
The Super Bowl has been around for 50 years and every year it is something new. It brings people from all over the United States together. The Super Bowl has been showed all over Tv represented by various commercials and I've seen various commercials, but only one stood out the most. These commercials aren't only about the Super Bowl, some of them have messages within them that don't only support football.
There was a commercial that was shown called "Airbnb Super Bowl Commercial 2017 (We Accept)" There was a very important message within it. It shows different faces of people from different races and says a message, which is that everyone is accepted no matter what. This commercial to me is important because it shows that times have changed that everyone is supported now. They are reaching out to everyone in order to get people to respond and become more accepting in order to make the world a better place. This commercial shows more of a message than anything else, it is intended for the Super bowl to be broadcast to the United States, but it also takes the time to send a message of importance.
There are times in life when you don't know what to do, so you go in search of advice. I go through those times, A LOT. I recently went and got some advice from my mom about upcoming events that will be happening. My biggest fear is high school, I'm not worried about making friends or not knowing anything. I'm worrried about growing up and moving into a new environment. I fear that I won't get into the high school that I have chosen to go to. It causes me to be apprehensive.
The best advice has to do with that. My mother explained to how I don't have control of the situation, but that I have to have hope. She told me not to worry and to keep in mind that I tried my best. Her advice was, "in the world, you don't always get what you want, but pray for the best. Everything happens for a reason." I still recall what she says every time I do something and aren't sure about it.